Spray Foam Insulation R Value
Closed-Cell Spray Foam Insulation. Lets quickly look at the leading insulation product contenders. Bsi 116 Interior Spray Foam Building Science Corporation That is why we are not even going to talk about R-Value numbers here. Spray foam insulation r value . Air Barrier Sealant. This leaves large voids at the top of the wall cavities and there is NO insulating value at all in these voids. The R-Value for spray foam insulation can vary depending on the product manufacturer and other variables. Open cell spray foam insulation is air impermeable and is applied with a minimum of 35 on average and can be used for attics interior floors walls and soundproofing. By expanding 100 times its original size ICYNENE seals cracks and gaps in attics walls ceilings and other spaces where air might escape. Not used for interior application. Icynene sprayed in foam is an insulation and air seal system that works to help ensure that your home doesnt suffer from air loss while providi...