Ice Dam Prevention
Heat tape installed at. Although this does involve an initial investment it helps to avoid problems and additional expenses in the long-term. Ice Dam Prevention Madcity Environmental The key to preventing ice dams is simply to keep your attic and roof cold. Ice dam prevention . Prevention of ice dams is much more effective than later trying to remove them. First and foremost its important to know how to properly clean your gutters and to ensure that leaves or debris are cleared on a regular basis. The first thing to do is insulate and ventilate the attic well. Ice dam prevention One of the biggest causes of home damage during the winter months is a buildup of ice on eaves and gutters also known as ice dams. The methods we mentioned above are temporary quick fixes. But keep this in mind for future winters. Ask This Old House general contractor Tom Silva explains the best ways to keep your roof and gutters free from those dreaded ice dams. An ice dam is a ridge of i...