How To Make New Wood Look Old
Rock the tool sideways slightly to create a space between the grain. Brush the steel wool and vinegar stain onto the wood in the direction of wood grain. How To Make New Wood Look Old How To Make Distressed Wood Step by Step Instructions for Making New Wood Look Old Step 1 Test various mechanical technique on a piece of scrap wood Step 2 Attack the wood and let your imagination guide you Old wood brings a warm cozy feeling to the atmosphere. How to make new wood look old . To age new wood to a natural silvery gray to grey-brown or black patina depending on the wood let a small piece of steel wool or a few non-galvanized nails sit overnight in ordinary white vinegar then dilute the vinegar solution 1 to 1 with water. Aging new wood is easy to do requires simple tools that you may already have on hand and uses liquids that are inexpensive and easy to find. Soak a piece or two of steel wool in a jar of vinegar for at least three 3 days. Once you have the top attached its time...